CLEAR Named #19 On CNBC’s Disruptor 50 List

by joeheg

For the past 9 years, the financial news network CNBC has published a Disruptor 50 list of the companies most likely to upend the status quo and push the market forward through technological advances. Companies can move up the list quickly and fall out of favor just as fast (I’m interested to see if Brex can hold the #5 place it earned this year). Some companies become part of the mainstream and no longer become disruptors (like Peloton, Airbnb and DoorDash, which were all on the 2019 list.)

One company that’s showed up on the disruptor list over the past few years is CLEAR. In 2019 they were #22 because of the use of biometric technology to speed people through airports and the company’s move to allow payments through the same system. Then came the COVID pandemic in 2020, a huge hit to CLEAR’s two major business locations, airports and stadiums. They still managed to make the list at #39, mostly due to their new Health Pass announcement.

A year later, air travel is returning, and CLEAR is back with offers to get people to sign up for speedy airport access. However, that’s not why they’ve made the 2021 Disruptor 50 list, this time placing at #19.

The main reason for the resurgence of the company in 2021 is Health Pass. Teams from the NFL, NBA and NHL are using Health Pass technology to enforce COVID protocols for people attending sporting events. Hawaii also uses the technology for visitors to the islands to confirm a negative COVID test before travel.

CLEAR’s CEO stopped by CNBC and explained more about the program and how they plan to expand the service to corporations so people can safely return to the office. She also stressed how this is not a Vaccine Passport and how it’s up to an individual to participate in the program and control what information is shared.

Whatever you think of CLEAR, they’re willing to try and use biometric technology wherever it may become helpful. If you’d ask me if I’d trust Facebook, Amazon, Google or CLEAR to keep my personal health information secure, I’m going to put my money on CLEAR.

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#stayhealthy #staysafe #washyourhands #wearamask #getyourCOVIDvaccine

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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