Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room?! How To Not Bring Them Home

by SharonKurheg

Bed bugs. Ew. They’re a scourge that’s been around for centuries and are found virtually everywhere (although some cities have more than others – here’s the most recent list). There are websites you can check to see if your hotel has been reported for bed bugs. However since virtually all of them are sourced by hotel guests filing reports, you’re limited by who has reported what and when.

Probably the worst nightmare for travelers is finding out there are bed bugs in your hotel room. Obviously, you’ll want to take that up with the hotel’s management. A room change (if not an entire hotel change) would be a “must,” but compensation, clothing laundering, etc. is more of a Your Mileage May Vary situation. Whatever the case, your main concern will probably be how to ensure you don’t bring the vermin home with you and cause an infestation in your own home.

The good news is that just because you’ve found bed bugs in your room, it doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to bring them home. The bad news is that it will be virtually impossible to know if you brought bed bugs back with you or not. So if you find them in your room, the best idea is to assume you did bring them home (whether you did or not), and act according.

When you get home

  • Keep large plastic bags inside your car and before you put your bags into your car, put them into the bags and seal them (if you have bed bugs in/on your suitcase, that will stop them from settling down in your car)
  • Unpack your suitcase outside of your home. Make sure to check the corners and seams of your suitcase for any signs of bed bugs.
  • Next, vacuum your suitcase thoroughly before storing it. If you can, dispose of the contents of the vacuum as soon as you’re done (remember, this should all be done outside your home. Don’t bring your luggage inside to vacuum it because you could be bringing the bed bugs inside your house).
  • Objects with hard surfaces, like shampoo bottles, reading glasses, etc., can be wiped clean. But watch out for cracks and crevices, since those are the types of places bed bugs like to hide.
  • Freezing items is also an option. However heads up that they need to stay in your freezer (or outside, if it’s winter and consistently below 32 degrees) for 4 days.
  • Finally, your clothes. You’ll want to wash all of your clothes in the warmest (or hottest!) water possible to kill any bed bugs or eggs that may be present in your clothes. This includes clothes that you didn’t wear. Dry them for at least 30 minutes, again on the hottest setting possible for said clothing. If you have any clothing that needs to be dry cleaned, keep these sealed in a plastic bag until you can bring them to the dry cleaner.
  • For some added laundry instructions, Texas A&M has some tips, as well.

Finding bed bugs in your room is bad enough. Getting them into your home has to be umpteen times worse. Better safe than sorry.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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