International Tipping Guide: Who, What, Why, Where, When & How Much (Updated Apr., 2024)

by SharonKurheg

Tipping. In some countries, it’s an important norm, whereas in others it’s considered an insult. Some folks tip people in certain professions whereas others don’t, and while some countries’ tipping culture suggests just a little bit of money for a tip, others say 20% is appropriate.

So who should you tip? And how much? And what if you’re in THIS country versus THAT country? Well, I think I’ve finally found a definitive answer. But first, a little background…

Tipping varies by culture

Tipping varies from culture to culture and because of that, people in the service industry see a massive difference in pay scale, depending upon where in the world they live. Those with specific service jobs in some countries may be paid extraordinarily well, whereas those with the same professions in other countries are paid very little and are expected to earn the rest in tips, as part of their salary. Neither way is right or wrong; it’s just how each culture has developed and its social norms. Even in the United States, where there is very much a tipping culture, people who live in the country tip differently – some still think that 15% is an adequate tip for your server whereas others will say starting at 18% or even 20% is more appropriate nowadays, and some don’t tip hotel housekeeping at all, while others think a daily (or however often housekeeping comes into your room) tip is a must.

Some say we shouldn’t tip in the U.S.

Speaking about the U.S. – there are plenty of people who say tipping here should be abolished. Welp, like it or lump it, the U.S., at this time, is a tipping society. It’s lovely to say that restaurants should pay their workers more money, but that would involve changing laws set up by the U.S. Department of Labor. Perhaps that will happen someday. Until it does, I hope that people tip service workers an appropriate, acceptable amount.

And about visitors…

In writing for YMMV, I’ve been in contact with many people from lots of different countries and they all have different thoughts and opinions about tipping. Thoughts and opinions are fine but, of course, there’s a difference between what you do in your own country versus how you conduct yourself in a country whose cultural norms suggest something you’re not accustomed to. As I saw someone once say, “If you lived in a country that drove on the left-hand side of the road and visited a country that drove on the right-hand side, would you still drive on the left because that’s what you’re comfortable with?” The same goes for tipping.

If you’re on vacation/holiday in a place with a tipping culture, there are many people to consider tipping:

  • Hotel staff (housekeeping, bell services, doorman, room service, concierge, etc.)
  • Bar staff
  • Spa staff
  • Hairdressers
  • Restaurant servers
  • Taxi/car drivers
  • Tour guides
  • Shuttle/bus drivers

Trying to keep track of who and how much to tip can be exhausting. But I’m thrilled to say I think I have finally come across the definitive answer:


The link brings you to a page that goes over WORLDWIDE TIPPING ETIQUETTE and friends, I think it’s just WONDERFUL! It gives you a choice of over 80 countries and for each country, it tells you what the tipping culture is like, who to tip (or not), as well as what the appropriate tip would be for each of the above services in that country. There are even little bits about etiquette, currency, what the country is known for, must-try foods, places to tour, tipping history, etc.

i.e. for the United States:

Tipping is an important part of the American culture. People in the service industry are typically paid below minimum wage so they rely on tips as a large part of their income. In America tips are always calculated as a percentage of the bill before tax. It usually follows these rules:

  • 10% if you were unsatisfied.
  • 15% if it was OK.
  • 20% for excellent service.
  • 25% for outstanding service.

In many restaurants, the waiter is required give part of his-her tips to the bartender, bus boy, hostess and food runners. They are required to pay income tax on their tips: tips aren’t ‘extra’, they are part of their wage. It’s always best to tip in cash, when you can, and directly to the person who provided the service.

The author of this website is Richard Powell, and based on his writing style, he appears to be from the U.K. (which may account for his calling the United States simply “America”). I’m not sure where he got all his information, but based on my own travels and those of people I know, his assessments are pretty darn accurate. It’s not always 100%, but it’s close enough to be, in my humble opinion, a pretty decent reference.

So if you’re traveling to another country, strongly consider taking heed of the tipping culture (as well as all the cultural norms for that country, period) and proceed as one would be expected, not how you are the most comfortable.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


SharonKurheg January 31, 2018 - 10:48 am

Hi Kelly! Joe and I are generally optimists and start at 20%. We’ll then go up or down from there…15% if service was so-so, 10% and a talk with the manager if it was awful, and upwards of 25-30% if it was incredible. Your mileage may vary 😉

Kelly MacKay January 31, 2018 - 11:13 am

You must be American,
With the 15% GST tax we have in Canada, if I tipped% 30 I would be % 45 of the meal.
I only 20%, if stayed exceptional long at a table, preventing server from getting another customer

SharonKurheg January 31, 2018 - 11:17 am

Yep, we’re from the United States. And we tip more if we stay for an extraordinary amount of time (diner or coffee shop could be upwards of 100%+, fancy restaurant could be 50%, depending). But again, that’s us and YMMV. What are the differences in how you personally tip in Canada vs if you were visiting, let’s say the U.S.? Or the UK?

Kelly MacKay January 31, 2018 - 11:21 am

I tip more in the US, and same as Canada in UK, when I went to Kenya, I was told, what to tip people, they have a two Terre pricing one for local residence and another for foreigner

SharonKurheg January 31, 2018 - 11:22 am

Beautious! Good on you! 🙂

Kelly MacKay January 31, 2018 - 11:39 am

Also, have to consider how many people at the table, if I dine alone, I will sit at bar or small table so waitress get chance at bigger tip from larger groups

SharonKurheg July 1, 2018 - 10:34 pm

Sorry, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree. If a person is going to travel somewhere, it’s his/her responsibility to know what the costs are and change their plans accordingly if something is “too expensive” for them. It’s not the server’s fault if someone decided to eat somewhere they consider “expensive” and (s)he shouldn’t have less wages for the day because the traveler is trying to cut costs by tipping less than an accepted amount.

Like it or lump it, the U.S. is a tipping society. It’s lovely to say that restaurants should pay their workers more money, but that would involve changing laws set up by the U.S. Department of Labor. Perhaps that will happen someday. Until it does, I would hope that people tip their servers an appropriate, acceptable amount and if they can’t/won’t pay it because it’s “expensive,” that they plan to eat at a location that doesn’t requite tipping, such as quick serve restaurants.

R October 27, 2019 - 9:08 pm

I would really like to get some info out to the public,but am unsure how to be heard.maybe you can help.I work for a moving co.on the Eastside in the Seattle Wa.area.just would like people to know if there gonna tip and have the money go to the person or persons they want it to.then they should give it to them directly,because if you give it to the boss expecting him to decide it up among the crew,there’s a good chance he will keep it all himself.the person I work for takes are tips on a regular basis,thing we know nothing about it and were afraid if we say anything we may lose are jobs.thanks for listening. R

SharonKurheg October 30, 2019 - 11:23 am

Fortunately, most people in the U.S. disagree with that sort of thinking. A 15% tip was decided upon to ensure that servers got at least minimum wage, which, as I’m sure you know, is not a living wage these days. So most of us add in more because we’re nice people who care about our fellow man.

There are plenty of positions where people don’t get tips. Those people don’t make $2 and change per hour, either.


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